So, I was noticing that beyond just uploading any new art I’ve been creating to my gallery page (there is a bunch more stuff, please have a look!), I’ve been avoiding doing anything else with this website – no new blog posts or anything else for quite a few months. And the reason for this is just because I’ve not been quite happy with the design of the site. I’ve known about this for a while, but frankly, I’ve just been putting off fixing the problem.
But in the last two weeks I’ve been suffering from a complete lack of ideas for any new work, so I figured that instead of staring at a blank Blender scene for multiple hours more (or playing many more hours of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint), I might as well do something about this whole mess.
So that’s what I’ve been doing. There is still some work to be done (isn’t there always?), but I feel like I have things closer to something I like, and hopefully, this will lead to me wanting to spend more time writing and creating content for this site. I guess time will tell. For now, I’m quite happy.