Spring is Finally Here, and With it Comes a Few Small Website Upgrades

As I’m writing this I’m sitting outside in the sun, enjoying the first proper spring day of 2024. The thermostat on my porch is currently reading about 30C, and after what has been a pretty long and brutal winter I am just about melting into my chair in this heat.

So, in an attempt to get back to enjoying life, I’ll make this quick. I’ve struggled a little the last few days with trying to come up with ideas for new artwork, so I decided to take the time to update some parts of my website that I haven’t been super happy with. The most significant changes are a slight update to the color scheme, and I spent some time updating my “About Me” page.

There are a few smaller tweaks here and there like I made the header navigation a little fancier along with adding a “Support me!” button (if you’re in a generous mood and would like to throw some money my way that is always appreciated), and I’ve added some content to the footer (still not sure about this one), but for now, I’m a little happier with how things look. There are still some more work that I would like to do, and pages I would like to add, but I will save those for later.

For now, I’m going to pick up one of the books I’m reading and go back to enjoying being outside in the sun.