My Personal Kitbash Project

Whenever I finish a project in Blender, I often get a little stuck trying to find the next thing to work on. I’ll endlessly browse ArtStation or Pinterest for something that might spark an idea or thought. I was struggling with this again a little while ago after wrapping up my last piece. That is when I had the bright idea that I should start working more seriously on my collection of kitbash pieces instead of ending up with a bunch of time where I don’t produce anything.

So, I decided that I’m going to model at least one kitbash part every single day. This will serve a few different functions: A varied collection of pre-made parts will make future projects faster to produce since I won’t have to model everything from scratch (That is the whole point of kitbashing, after all). It will (hopefully) help to improve my modeling skills and serve as a good warm-up exercise before working on my main project. And it will help ensure that every day is a non-zero day as I’ll have at least produced something. Once I finally have enough parts I’m happy with, I’ll probably look into putting it up for sale somewhere, but that is still quite a while away.

This little project has already helped me with a thing I’m working on right now that I should be wrapping up soon. Looking forward to sharing it with everyone!