Frequency and Consistency

I have a bit of a thing for tracking and logging the various things and activities I do on any given day. I find it helpful to keep a more detailed record of my activities than what my brain is able to offer.

Say I’m at the end of my day and feeling a little off, or I’m in a bad mood but I can’t seem to figure out why. If I then go and have a look at my activity log and notice that I haven’t been to the gym in 3 days, or it’s been a week since I sat down and worked on anything creative. At that point it’s easy to go “See, asshole, this is probably why!”, and now I have an idea of what I need to do to fix it.

So as a part of this activity-logging obsession that I have, in addition to time-tracking (using Timery for iOS), I’ve played around with most of the streak-tracking apps you can find on the App Store. While some of them are nice, and you can tweak the settings to have things work mostly the way you would like them to, I’ve never found one that really clicked for me.

That was until a few weeks ago when I discovered Chronicling by Rebecca Owen. This is pretty much the perfect app for me, and it’s the app that made me realize that I’m not looking to keep track of streaks, I’m looking to keep track of frequency and consistency.

Work on the thing you love frequently and consistently, and you will get better at it. You don’t have to do it every single day, and it’s OK to take a break for a few days every now and then.