First Steps, Once Again

It’s always been in the back of my mind that I should get a personal website up and running again, but as with so many things that don’t seem all that important at the time I’ve been putting it off for later. But we all know that “later” means “never, “ so the idea has just been lingering in the ether for years. I’ve been a digital nomad for far too long, but recent events in the world of social media (and the Internet in general) have prompted me to spend the time to get this site up and running and even start a blog.

I keep seeing people talk about 2023 being the year of the personal website along with calls for bringing back the blog, and I’m all for it. I’ve got an RSS reader installed on all my devices once again, and I’m actively looking for feeds to subscribe to. Social media isn’t going away any time soon, but having a place that I control to share my work and thoughts feels more important now than ever. You should too.