A Short Rant About To-Do Apps

I’m definitely one of those To-Do-app-people. I also love a good checklist, probably more than what most people would consider healthy. And though I could stumble through life relying on my brain to remember all the things that need to get done on any given day, I choose not to because that would be a ridiculous way to live. Quite possibly disastrous.

And because I’m also a tech geek and a master procrastinator I, like so many others, have tried every To-Do app under the sun to try and find the one that is juuuust the right fit for me. Back when I was rocking an Android phone I was using Tick Tick as my app of choice, but when I switched to iPhone about a year ago I had to give OmniFocus a try. OmniFocus is a stupidly big app, with too many options and endless ways to configure tasks and projects (So much potential for tinkering!). And I ended up sticking with the app for a long time.

But sometime around the beginning of 2024 I was getting a little annoyed at how expensive OmniFocus is (like, seriously?), and wanted to try and find a more economical option. So I decided to give Things 3 a go. It’s a gorgeous app, with great support for Shortcuts, and in general, just a fantastic app to use.

But in the end Things 3 wasn’t juuuust the right fit either. And so now I’m back to OmniFocus. It’s still a stupidly expensive app, but god dammit, it is the one that fits the best with how my brain functions.

/end rant and thank you for reading what ever this post was.