2024 – A Short Retrospective

All the pieces I made in 2024

2024 has certainly been a year… That sounds awfully negative, and is maybe undeserved. While this year certainly had its share of not so great things happen, the good that has occurred definitely outweighs the bad. On a personal level that is. When it comes to the world in general I’m less positive in my conclusions.

Things looked a little bleak there for a while, but quickly turned around at the tail end of the year. And I can honestly say now that I’m in a pretty good place. And I’ll do my best to ensure that trend continues in 2025 and beyond.

I made a lot of stuff in 2024. I’m most definitely in the camp of quality over quantity, but I’m also a believer in that if your want to get better at something you just need to do it and you need to do it a lot. Get the junk out of your system to eventually get to the good stuff, if you will.

So with that in mind I’m quite proud of what I’ve managed to achieve this year. Not all the pieces I’ve posted this year have been great, some of them are straight up terrible, a few of them I’m very proud of and most importantly I learned something while creating most of them.

As so many other people I’ve had a number of false starts when it comes to this whole blogging thing. I’ve started and subsequently failed to follow up on more occasions than I care to admit. But 2024 feels like the year where writing for my blog has become a real part of my life. It’s become a thing that I do and for the most part I enjoy it quite a lot.

I still want to do more with my blog and my website in the future. So as my writing (hopefully) improves and I take the time to sit down and implement some of the ideas I have, the state of this website should keep getting better.